Steve is an amazing instructor. Passed my MOD1 and MOD2 in about a week with Steve’s help. Training with Steve made me realize how superficial my CBT was delivered by a local, well known and reputed bike retailer and trainer. Steve brushed up my CBT and brought me up to speed with all that I needed to know for getting my full bike licence.
We’ve done plenty of riding around the local area and also in Ipswich where we’ve covered most of the test routes with their inherent intricacies and spots known to fail the test for. I did plenty of mistakes, as expected, when not familiar with the roads. But that’s the best time to do mistakes: before the test. And make sure you do plenty of them so that you get Steve to explain you the whys and the why nots This will only help you know the road better and instill more confidence in riding and handling the bike, and also give you the certainty that your test day will be devoid of those “nerves” that make people do stupid mistakes that would otherwise never be made.
Steve is good at instilling confidence and thoroughly explaining concepts that other trainers (and I know why I am saying this) would just rush through. My feeling is that you cannot be more prepared for the test with anybody else than with Steve. He’s also a bloke full of good humor and plenty of good stories that when shared over a hot cup of tea, after some intensive riding and training, are an absolute pleasure to listen to. With his longstanding instructor experience and passion for bikes, I honestly don’t know anybody else more qualified to deliver bike training in his area. And on top of that, he’s got the lowest prices on training as well. I thoroughly recommend Steve. You won’t regret choosing him as your bike trainer.
Thank you, Steve, for helping me get my freedom on two wheels !